Monday, May 17, 2010

Swimming Pool

Hey - it's me, Frankie. Let me tell you one thing I hate. The swimming pool. Why anyone would voluntarily get in that thing I cannot imagine. But, my people seem to think it's hilarious to scoop me up and carry me out in the pool.

Usually, it goes like this: my mom picks me up and walks down the steps holding me snug. Once I see where she is headed, I get very still because I know what's coming. She holds me in the pool and lets me go, and I swim to the edge. Then she laughs and says I look like a spotted torpedo or a river otter. Then she dries me off and gives me a treat. Then I lay in the sun for an hour to dry off.

If I'm still feeling peckish, I go near her again because I really don't mind going in if there are treats involved. . . :) xoxo Frankie Mae


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Hummmmm Peckish... now that is the word my furend from Australia uses when she means she is getting hungry. How did you know the word??? I wouldn't like to be put into a pool either.
We dachahunds are very particular about our furs and the dryness there of. hehehe

Lorenza said...

Hi, Frankie!
I love my pool! But it is very small and I can't swim in it!
Good thing is that maybe you don't like it much... but you get treats at the end!
Kisses and hugs

DoMoFi said...

We <3 swimming ^^